Genealogy - Tancrede de Hauteville
  Tancrede I

  Robert I
  Tancred II
  Roger I

Ruppenthal Genealogy . . .

Tancrede I Guiscard de Hauteville, seigneur de Hauteville
abt 0970, Coutances, Manche, Normandy France - abt 1041, Hauteville-la-Guichard, Manche, Normandy France

Mariella de Normandie
abt 0965, Normandy France - 1020, France
Married: ?? - ??

Fressenda of Normandy
0995, Seine-Maritime, Normandy France - 1058, France
Married: ?? - ??

Children . . .

Goeffroy de Hauteville, count of Loritello
(mother: Muriella de Normandie)
abt 0985, Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy France - April 1063, Loritello Italy

Serlo of Hauteville, count
abt 1008, Hauteville, Normandy France - abt 1031, Normandy France

William 'Iron-Arm' of Hauteville
bfr 1010, Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy France - 1046, Apulia Italy

Drogo of Hauteville, count of Apulia
abt 1010, Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy France - August 10, 1051, Orsare-di-Puglia, Foggia, Apulia Italy

Beatrix of Hauteville
abt 1010 - 1101

Robert I 'Guiscard' de Hauteville, duke of Apulia & Calabria
(mother: Muriella de Normandie)
abt 1015, Hauteville-la-Guichard, Manche, Normandy France -
July 17, 1085, Ionian Islands, Peloponnisos Dytike Ellada-ke-Ionio Greece

Humphrey of Hauteville
abt 1017, Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy France - 1057, Venosa, Potenza, Basilicata Italy

Humbert de Hauteville
abt 1022, Hauteville, Normandy France - 1057, Normandy France

Mauger de Hauteville, count of Capitanate
1025, Cotentin Peninsula, Manche, Normandy France - September 1064, Apulia Italy

Tancred II de Hauteville
(mother: Fressenda of Normandy)
abt 1025, Hauteville, Nord, Pas-de-Calais France - July 17, 1100, Brawdy, Pembrokeshire Wales

Guillaume 'Sanucandro' de Hauteville, count of Principate
1027, Normandy France - 1080, Cepulia Italy

Fressenda of Hauteville, countess of Aversa & princess of Capua
1030, Italy - 1117

Roger I 'Bosso' of Hauteville, the great count of Sicily
(mother: Fressenda of Normandy)
abt 1031, Normandy France - June 22, 1101, Mileto, Calabria Italy

Aubrey de Hauteville
abt ?? - ??

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