Genealogy - Gonzelon van Lotharigen
  Gonzelon I

  Godfrey III
  Gothelo II

Ruppenthal Genealogy . . .

Gonzelon (Gothelo) I 'the Great' van Lotharigen, duke of Lorraine
abt 0957, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine France - April 19, 1044, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine France

Urracca d'Ivrea, princess of Italy
abt 0974, Milan, Magnago, Lombardy Italy - abt 1007, France
Married: ?? - ??

Ermengarde, duchess of Lorraine
abt 0971, Meuse France - ??
Married: abt 1003 - Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine France

Children . . .

Ada (Odo) de Lorraine
abt 0990, Lorraine, Grand Est. France - October 23, 1044, Leuven, Flemish Region Belgium

Maud de Lorraine
abt 0990, Lorraine France - ??

Godfrey III 'the Bearded', duke of Lorraine
0997, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine France - December 21, 1069, Bouillon, Walonne, Luxembourg Belgium

Regilinde of Lorraine
abt 0999, Verdun, Meuse, Lorraine France France - November 15, 1064, Namur, Walloon region Belgium

Gothelo II (Gozelo II), duke of Lower Lorraine
abt 1008, Lorraine France - April 19, 1044

Adelaide de Louvain
abt 1010, Europe - abt 1100, Europe

Frederic de Lorraine, duke of Lorraine & pope Stephan IX
154th Roman Catholic Pope from August 3, 1057 to March 29, 1058
abt 1020, Duchy of Lorraine (France) - March 29, 1058, Florence Italy (Roman Empire)

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