Genealogy - Aleram of Montferrat

  Guglielmo II
  Ottone I

Ruppenthal Genealogy . . .

Aleram, 1st marquis of Montferrat
0904, Sezzadio, Alessandrie, Piedmonte Italy - 0991, Grazzano, Badoglio, Asti, Piedmonte Italy

Elena di Verona
abt 0935, Italy - abt 0961
Married: ?? - ??

Children . . .

Guglielmo (William) II Aleramid
abt 0950 - bfr 0961

Anselmo di Savona, marchese della Liguria Orientale
abt 0962, Sezzadio, Alessandrie, Piedmonte Italy - abt 1011, Piedmonte Italy

Ottone I Aleramid, marquess of Montferrat
abt 0965, Savona Italy - bfr 0991, Montferrat Italy

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