April Extended Family Photos
B.J. Ruppenthal
Junior Order of United American Mechanics

Looking at her accomplishments, we see someone continually doing the extra activities of Council #117.

She’s served Council #117 as Councilor in 2008 and is now its Chaplain. She served as Jr. O.U.A.M. District One President from 2010-2012. Her career began as cook and secretary at Great Cacapon school and then Teacher's Aide at North Berkeley and Widmyer. Her love for children keeps her as a substitute aide.
She volunteers at Starting Points Soup Kitchen, helps First Church's Bible School, where she also teaches youth and adult Sunday School and volunteers for many at her First UMC Church, like “Go Friends.”

An active member of CEOS, Secretary of First United Methodist Women's Group and past church trustee, she volunteers where ever a need seems to be.

Junior Order United American Mechanics Council #117 honors B. J. Ruppenthal as our Junior of the Year.

--Morgan Messenger, April 23, 2014, p.11
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